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اولین مرجع دانلود نرم افزار , بازی , فیلم و کارتون

دانلود بازی Age of Empires II HD : The Forgotten PC Game + Updates

بازی Age of Empires عصر امپراطوری یکی از بازی های قدیمی سبک استراتژیک است که  توسط Hidden Path Entertainment طراحی و ساخته شده و کمپانی مشهور Microsoft نیز وظیفه انتشار بازی را برعهده داشته است . تا به حال ۷ قسمت از این بازی زیبا و جذاب منتشر شده است که هر قسمت از بازی در یک نقطه از جهان اتفاق می افتد . تا به حال امپراطوری روم ، پادشاهان امپراتوری روم ، جنگ های استعماری ، کشف قاره جدید ، سرخپوستان آمریکا و امپراطوری ایران برای علاقه مندان به سبک بازی استراتژیک ساخته شده است . یکی از نقاط قوت بازی گرافیک بازی است که در آن همه چیز به طور دقیق و با جزئیات فراوان طراحی شده است .در این بازی شما به عنوان یک فرمانده ماهر و زبردست باید نیروهای خود را به درستی هدایت کنید و با تاکتیک های خود , از تلفات خود کاسته و بتوانید ضربه سنگینی نیز به نیروهای دشمن وارید نمایید . شما با سربازانتان می توانید مناطق مختلف را به تصرف خود درآورید و بر انها نظارت داشته باشید . بازی در محیط های مختلفی از جمله دریا , جنگل و با سلاح های مختلفی از جمله توپ صورت می گیرد . در این حین ممکن است نیروهای دشمن به شهرها و اردوگاه های شما حمله کنند و انها را به تصرف خود درآورند پس حواستان را جمع کنید . برای مقابلع با این موضوع می توانید دور تا دور شهر خود را دیوارهای بلندی بکشید و برج هایی را برای تیراندازان نیز طراحی کنید تا بتوانند دشمنان را مورد هدف قرار دهند .


به تازگی پک الحاقی برای بازی Age of Empires 2 HD انتشار پیدا کرده است به نام The Forgotten فراموش شدگان که دارای آپدیت و DLC های جدیدی است که می تواند برای پلیرها بسیار جذاب باشد . اضافه شدن ۵ تمدن و فن آوری های جدید , مبارزه بر روی نقشه های عظیم و جدید و به چالش کشیدن پلیر همگی بخش کوچکی از ویژگی های این بازی است . اگر تا به حال بازی عصر امپراطوری تجربه نکرده اید پیشنهاد می کنیم این بازی زبا را از دست ندهید . شما هم اکنون می توانید این بازی زیبا را از سرورهای قدرتمند دانلود فارسیدریافت کرده و از بازی لذت ببرید .


مشخصات بازی :

نام بازی : Age of Empires 2 HD

نام بازی (فارسی) : عصر امپراطوری ۲

پلتفرم : PC

زبان : انگلیسی

سال انتشار : ۲۰۱۳

شرکت سازنده : Hidden Path Entertainment

منتشر کننده : Microsoft

سبک بازی : استراتژیک


ویژگی های آپدیت ۳.۲ :

General Gameplay

- Pathing has been revisited to alleviate the issues introduced in patch 3.0. We have several changes we are finalizing and testing, however will initially be moving back to 2.8 pathing until those are finalized (coming in 3.2). 
- AI opponents will now properly build trebuchets. Really. 
- 2.8 save game files now load properly.
- Fixed lag issues caused by AI villagers getting stuck creating buildings.
- Added more sprite optimizations to the base game (this will also fix the scout and paladin animation bugs).
- Fixed a game crash that occurred when more than 50 civilians are defending against a unit. Stop sacrificing your poor villagers!
- Increased max scroll speed by 50% (eventually we’ll find a sweet spot people are content with)
- The gates that are built with the “palisade wall” command are now palisade gates (this affects the new map Hideout).
- Fixed multiple issues when the game ends while in various menus.
- Campaign victories now generate correct stats and achievements
- Monasteries will no longer sometimes spawn in water during CTR (capture the relic) games on Nomad
- Eagle scouts and Eagle warriors now show up correctly in combat units list
- Active fishing boats now show up in economic statistics
- (Elite) Huskarls built in the barracks and (Elite) Tarkans built from the stable appear in the military units list.


- Before a multiplayer game start, a checksum of your game data file will be compared with others in your lobby. If you have a different data file as the host (because you or the host has a workshop mod for example), the game will not start. This should prevent some of the OOS issues people are having.
- Fixed some issues that would occur when inviting someone to a lobby that was in a different mode (HD or Forgotten).
- AOF – Fixed crash that would occur when you desynced in multi-player while in treaty mode.
- AOF – Treaty mode will now properly end when loading a saved multiplayer game.


- The “Achievement will not progress because you used a cheat code” message will only appear if you used a cheat code in the present game. Previously, the message would re-appear in every subsequent game after you used cheat codes for the first time.

UI Fixes

- The “HD Version” tech tree now displays the correct descriptions for the civs (was displaying descriptions from “The Forgotten”)
- Master volume and Music volume sliders now work correctly in the in-game options menu.
- The “star” in the achievements screen for advancing to the imperial age the fastest has been fixed.
- The “Player colors” command now properly updates when you use the options menu or the hotkey.
- Players are now assigned to the correct civs in the MP restore screen.
- Expanded the rank text area on the main screen so the text can no longer go out of bounds (had problems with some languages).
- “ai\RandomGame.per2″ no longer (occasionally) shows up as the scenario name in the lobby browser
- The correct rollover text will now appear when selecting a map type.
- Corrected description for “Blind Random” map location. 
- Expansion maps no longer show up in HD-mode scenario editor
- Changed “Player colors” to “Unique Player colors” and “Garrisoning” to “Alt key Garrisoning” to add clarity.
- Fixed a bug where if you used the “Cntl” key in the hotkey setting to save games, multiplayer games would save improperly.

Language Fixes

- Translated the remaining text for the Dutch language.
- The Japanese campaign voice acting is now in Japanese (was using English audio previously)

Update v3.1.1645
- Custom AIs should now load properly in 3.1 without requiring the filename adjustment workaround.
- Several OOS resolutions in scenarios where several people are playing multiplayer against AI opponents

Update v3.2
Over the last month, our development team has been making efforts to track down a variety of issues that have been causing games to go out of sync. To all of those who helped by posting their sync logs, we appreciate the data… and there was a lot of it. Parsing through a bunch of data formatted in different ways is a lengthy task, but there were a few learnings that were taken into account and addressed. At the moment there should be some fixes for known desyncs, including several issues that lead to OOS with users who played scenario games previously but were not getting settings properly applied to games played afterwards.

As I’ve mentioned before, synchronization issues can be caused or may occur for a multitude of reasons, and tracking them all down is a notoriously difficult task. The first step we took was to add sync logs which we asked for previously, but to help automate the process, we’ve added a sync report tool in game. This will give the player the option to upload his or her OOS related files to the Steam network so developers can analyze where synchronization errors are occurring. These reports will include all files within the timestamped folder under Logs\ in your AOEIIHD game folder. It includes the save file at the time of the synchronization error, as well as several other useful logs like game settings to help identify possible causes of sync errors. There’s an ancillary benefit to proving out this use case of uploading data. Opting in to auto-publish replays, for example, are something we’re thinking about.

In the background we are also working on addressing a number of pathing issues around the game. While we’re comfortable with how the changes are being designed, there is some additional testing needed to ensure stability across multiplayer games before we can release it to you guys. Creating meaningful fixes from the automatic sync reporting tool and refining some of the pathing changes are the current focus from a patching perspective.


تصاویری از محیط بازی :






حداقل سیستم مورد نیاز :

OS: Windows XP – Windows 8.1
Processor: 1.2GHZ CPU
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Direct X 9.0c capable GPU
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: Direct X compatible sound card

 سایت اصلی بازی : Age of Empires II HD

دانلود پک الحاقی Age of Empires II HD The Forgotten عصر امپراطوری ۲ فراموش شدگان با لینک مستقیم از سایت دانلود فارسی

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